Welcome to the City of Inverness Town Twinning Committee Website!
This committee group has the following aims…

To promote
To promote friendship and understanding between the people of Inverness, Scotland and those of Augsburg and district in Bavaria, Germany, La Baule in Brittany, France and St. Valery-en-Caux in Normandy, France.

Co-ordinate visits

Mutual understanding

Provide grants
To help provide grants to groups traveling to our twin towns to foster links between organisations.
About Us
Inverness Town Twinning Committee is sponsored by the Inverness City Committee of the Highland Council and is administered by a voluntary
committee elected annually from the citizens of Inverness.
- Miss Christina Cameron (Chairperson).
- Mrs Jean Slater (Vice Chairperson & Secretary).
- Mr Jim Convery (Treasurer).
Duncan Chisholm, Duncan MacDonald, Bob Shanks, John Bruce, Provost Glynis Sinclair, Deputy Provost Jackie Hendry, Deputy Provost Morven Reid, Cllr Bet MAcAllister, Cllr Isabel MacKenzie, Cllr Duncan MacPherson, Cllr Kate MacLean.